AESTHETICS OF EMERGENCY [fr. esthétique d’urgence]

This chapter will be the subject of an entire book
and we are looking for an art historian
that would like to work further on this material.
please contact

It is fascinating to observe
how artists create a new aesthetics in the Emergency Room
especially abstract painters joining
or sculptors.
We don’ t have the time
nor the resources to work on that chapter
But as everything is documented and most art works are in the delay museum
the working potential is great.
However a beginning of a classification is given here:
From experience we have noticed four types of aesthetic approaches.

The first could be called Vox Pop.
Vox Pop means instead of the artist answering the question
The artist forwards it to someone else.

The second could be called Show It Again.
The artist has extracted a piece from the media.
Exhibiting it in Emergency Room.
And thus pointing at it.
“Did you really see that?”

The third form would be the feuilleton.
Or the novella.
The artist follows a case throughout the exhibition.
Or follows a person.
Or observes a street.

A fourth case would be readymade face lifting.
We don’t like it.
But some artist bring art-on-stock.
Lifting it to look fresh.
Even when it is not from today.

Some artists mimic the media images.
but transform the way the medias function.
Like when Sonya Schoenberger is sewing images from the papers.
In so doing Sonya Schoenberger changes the speed of the media images.
And make us aware of how the images of the media are functioning.

1   DICTIONARY   by Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel    ( link to portail )

exemple of art works