INCUBATION [fr. incubation]

Immediate confrontation.
Normally art works have an incubation time
between its production and its exhibition.
The artist can hesitate.
The artist can test his art work.
The artist may ask some colleagues of their opinion.
The artist may even ask his gallerist.
The artist may ask his collectors.
Or the artist may simply ask his wife.
In ER there is no time between the production
and the moment of showing.
The art work is directly shown to the public
As an art work
(not as a work in process).
The same day
Shown proudly
In the round white cube
It is an immediate baptism
It is funambulist without protection net.
Once entering the Emergency Room
the art work is considered as finished.
A questionnaire that circulated among artists
confirmed that most artist
will not correct their art work
once it has been shown in Emergency Room.
Emergency Room
C’est la ligne d’arrivée
Le point de non retour.

1   DICTIONARY   by Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel    ( link to portail )