
From ultrafast exhibition to Emergency Room

The Emergency Room is responding to the paragraphe from the Moving Exhibition Manifeste from 1989
 ( Moving Exhibition de type semi-bourgeoise conviviale ) by Thierry Geoffroy

Before to be called Emergency Room the format was called " ultrafast exhibition " .     link to Ultrafast exhibitions ( 1989 / 2006)

Emergency Room has been successfully activated  in New York, PS1 / MOMA 2007 ; Berlin, Galerie Olaf Stueber 2006 ; Denmark, Nikolaj Contemporary2006 ; Athens, Ileana Tounta Gallery 2007 ;  Napoli , PAN 2009 ; Paris , Galerie Taïss (2008 ) ;  in Hanoi at the university of fines art ( oct-nov 2009)  .

link to Emergency Room

The form dictionary

Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel exhibited his first dictionary in 1993 in Denmark at La Valise  (Der Koffer) Kunstakademiets Bibliotek, Kopenhagen.
The dictionary was in a suit case and only people with visas delivered by the artist could see it the inside .
In the valise content will follow the most burning comment of the moment , ultrafast exhibitions were done . A techno version ( musical )  was also created .

An internet version was done then in 1998 with the help of artist Peter Lind .

In 2007 during the Emergency Room at the PS1 / MOMA a printed version  with some handmade corrections was exhibited .

link to Inka Schube chronologie ( Sprengel Museum )