in collaboration
with Emergency Room Mobile
images 2013 Biennalist global
2013 / before contact : fan
page ,NEWS
Thierry Geoffroy /
( creator of the "Biennalist "
format) is an invited artist of the
maldives national pavilion @ Venice Biennale.
working on the question " Is
climate change still an emergency ? "CAN A NATION
"set as an
installation in the Maldives pavilion but also
TG was working to activate a
re-climate-change-international-conference : "COP
18B" asking the question of relocation of climate refugiés
others National
pavilion ( like
Israel National pavilion ) posing the question : ,( what will be the relocation scenario
for a complete population of the
Maldives and other affected countries .
"Is climate
change still an Emergency ? " .
Biennalist wished to insist on starting
a debate NOW in
Venice , before it is too late and to
take advantage of the 40 000
V.I..P. attempding the international art event (almost equivalent
to the
COP15 ) : Queens , Presidents , Prime Ministers , all medias and rich
industriels are
on the
same location for 3
days in the Giardini . For that self organised mission TG was wearing a
painted helmet
to insist in the " could-have-been task of the U.N. if
in tine for pre relocation scenarios . This
part of the Biennalist " COP 18 B "could be almost considered as
a faillure as a large serious debate all over the Biennales did not
really happened and was unpossible to spray with the Biennalist
logistic potentiel . How ever some Nations responded
to "CAN A NATION WELCOME ANOTHER NATION ? ", especially at the
zimbabwe pavilion
: The Zimabwe pavilion welcomed for a period of 4 monthes a last
minutes negotiated space called " emergency
room mobile " in collaboration with Christine
Eyene .
Since the start of the
format Emergency Room
( converging format to Biennalist ) we have debating climate
change consequences and have opened new debate platforms to
stimulate emergency debate on this burning
topic ( including the HQ at COP 15 with the Yes Men .
As emergencies of tomorow cannot be
planed and ranked now we kindly ask you to follow here this link .
Extra :
-We also collected knowledge with a team of 35 students
Biennalist asking and
recording questions on the Biennales issues ( the themes
encyclopedic palace )
as well as specific questions to each pavilion
) . in
collaboration with Aalborg University of Arts and technology
- We also activated a
serie of : critical run and slow dance debate both part of
the debate formats
-Additional questions activated by @ Biennalist Venice Biennale
( posting questions started in 2012 before Biennale started )
Hans Belting and
encyclopedic palace
Ai Weiwei be also critical toward E.U
and U.S.
-Is Swapping a culturel -political act ? or an
artisitic ( refering to
the french -german swap ) / blog
/ Mr
Jean Hubert Martin
does the Vatican pavilion needs sponsor
women artists)
-"Now Before it is too late " ,
Are Biennales
dangerous ? "
- In januar 2013 the
Biennalist HQ
in Berlin was collaboration with the ZKM Museum ( at the
der Kunste ) opened , exposing some of early
concerns about the 55 th VB
You can
contact us for support : for supporting part 2 ( from 24
august )
nations ) that will participate at the Venice Biennale 55 th
( 2013 Biennale di Venezia ) in Italy ( at Giardini or Arsenale
or ? ) , Encyclopedic Palace is curated by Massimiliano Gioni
Albania, Andorra, Argentina,
Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan,
Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria,
Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba,
Cyprus, Czech , Slovenia, South Africa,
Spain, Canada, Chile, China, Congo,
Slovak Republic, Egypt,
Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Greece, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore
Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian
Arab Republic, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine,
United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
the Bahamas, the Kingdom of
Bahrain, the Republic of Kosovo, Kuwait,
the Maldives, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Paraguay
Eight countries will also
participate for the first time in next year's
biennale: the Bahamas, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Kosovo,
Kuwait, the Maldives, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Paraguay. In
2011, 89 international pavilions, the most ever, were accessible in the
Giardini and across the city.